The second part of this paper is named as "Concrete System of Bona Fide Possession of Bill Rights," including" ingredients "and" legal consequence "of Bona Fide Possession of Bill Rights. 文章第二部分为票据权利善意取得具体制度,包括票据权利善意取得的构成要件和法律后果两部分。
Bona law set up the Bona Fide Possession, It's aim of legislation is protecting deal safe in the final analysis. 票据法设立票据权利善意取得制度,归根结底,立法宗旨是保护交易安全。
The third part of this paper concerns the comparing analysis on Bona Fide Possession of Bill Rights and that of Chattel. 票据权利善意取得与动产善意取得之辨析是本文的第三部分。
The bona fide possession system, as a system of obtaining the property possession, is established in modern civil law. 善意取得制度为现代民法确定的一项财产所有权取得的制度,其目的是为了保护交易安全。
This paper discusses the Bona Fide Possession of Bill Rights by use of nomology and comparative jurisprudence. 论善意取得制度本文系一篇从法理学和比较法学的角度对票据权利善意取得制度进行研究的文章。
The usucaption, together with the bona fide acquiring, extinctive prescription, registration of real property and possession, forms the system of the protection of right on property. 民法中的取得时效制度与善意取得、消灭时效制度、不动产登记制度及占有制度等一起,共同构成了一国财产权保护体系。
The Bona Fide Possession of the Stolen Goods in the Economical Exchange 论在经济交往中盗赃物的善意取得
As to the existing Civil Law in China, the bona fide possession system is not legislative yet, which components should include assignor, concessionaire and object components. 我国现行民事法律尚未在整体上实现动产善意取得制度的立法化,动产善意取得法律构成要件应当包括让与人要件、受让人要件及标的物要件等。
Through the investigation to the origin, change and development, logical reasoning and the function mechanism of interest weighing, we find that the system of bona fide acquisition can be used in possession reformulation. 通过对善意取得制度的渊源、变化发展、逻辑推理、以及利益衡的作用机制考察,占有改定也是可以使用善意取得制度。
The system can't be replaced by others such as bona fide possession, prescription of action, etc. 取得时效制度不能由善意取得制度、诉讼时效制度、公信制度等其它制度代替。
Research on Bona Fide Possession System under the Ownership with Unchanged Occupation 占有改定情形下善意取得制度适用研究
Discuss-ion about the Constitutive Requirements of the Insider Trading A Study on Some Issue About Constitutive Requirements of Bona Fide Possession of Bill Rights 内幕交易的构成要件浅析关于票据权利善意取得构成要件若干问题探讨
Fundamental value of the Possession lies in maintaining social order and safeguarding the rights of the original rights holders, whether bona fide or malicious possession should be protected, so as to fully reflect the value of possession. 占有的基本价值在于维护社会秩序以及维护原权利人的权利,不管是善意占有或者恶意占有都应当给予保护这样才能充分的体现占有的价值。
This is also the biggest difference of the bona fide acquisition system between China and Japan. ( 2) Different requirements for the possession. 这也是中日善意取得制度构成要件中最大的不同点。(2)对占有的要求不同。